At Susanna Carman Integral Design,
I help people solve complex problems - the types of problems that have to do with leadership services, organisational systems, & human interactions.
The world is growing increasingly
volatile, uncertain, complex & ambiguous.
Those accountable for leading in these conditions need support, expertise & partnership.
I bring a high value toolkit & myself as
thinking partner, designer, facilitator & coach to people who are committed to
fulfilling potential in others.
Strategic Design
Leader Development
Transformational Learning


Apply design, foresight
& systems thinking tools, methods & mindsets to
scale your impact.
Be supported by a
strategic thinking partner & organising structures that invite fresh thinking to help you fulfil
potential in others.
Unlock organisational leadership capacities to thrive amidst complex & uncertain conditions.
Deliver transformative learning programs informed by Human Centred Design, Developmental Psychology, Systems Dynamics & Leadership Science.


Receive individual support to fulfil your intended developmental objectives in professional contexts.
Improve self-awareness, deepen reflection & access a well of internal resources for successfully leading in an increasingly complex world.
Participate in a 9-week learning co-lab, hone your leader development praxis & learn WITH others.
Join like-minded practitioners who are tasked with leading design & change processes within the global context of eco-social transition.
*services are available via Zoom and/or face-to-face facilitation in combination with
online, easy to use collaborative design, mapping & project management technologies.

VP & Managing Partner
The Breakthrough Coach
"Susanna introduces us to mapping stakeholder experiences so we can see the fuller picture. I feel supported & on track using our team resources wisely."

Co-founder & Futurist
Foresight Lane
"Susanna is an ideal thinking partner & co-facilitator. She brings rigour to our processes & infuses them with creativity."

People Mastery
"With Susanna as my strategic
thinking partner, I see connections
across my business from the 'balcony' perspective & can act with confidence."

OD, Leadership & Change
Aurora Meliora Consulting
"Susanna is brilliant in the way she wraps around us this real care & attention to how the process of deeper levels of intention, insight & design unfolds - practically."

Senior Designer
Meld Studios
"Transition Leadership Lab gave me greater awareness that I could take things from where they are now, to where they could be, & that I could help the world make that transition.”

Leadership & Executive Coach
Vertical Development Consulting
Hearing things about yourself can be tough, but Susanna delivered it with care & curiosity; she was adept at helping me frame my challenge & at meeting me in my world."
Subtractive Awareness: Educator-Change Leaders Helping Transformation Happen
"This paper is foremost about experiments in embodying a transformative narrative of a self that makes possible mutual collaborative practice with others.
The focus is less on what we ought to think or do, but rather on subtracting, letting go of, self-identities that are no longer fit for collaborative purpose.
We refer to this as subtractive awareness by which we mean becoming aware of obstacles that inhibit creative action with others."
Dr. Hilary Bradbury
Transition. Design. Leadership:
Leading In A 'Time Between Worlds'
Zak Stein
"Leaders and the consultants who work with them are experiencing the pull of the future, the push of the present & the drag of the past in unprecedented ways.
The convergence of the 4th Industrial Revolution, the Anthropocene & cultural polarisation is amplifying volatility, uncertainty, complexity & ambiguity.
With bushfires, floods & pandemics our new normal, the capacity to skilfully lead together amidst a world in transition is paramount."
Susanna Carman